Terms Of Business

Contract & Bookings Terms Of Business

1. Definitions

"Contract" means a contract for the hire of equipment and/or Artist services by the acceptance of an order / cleared funds deposit

"Equipment" means the equipment and event production items described or any individual item.

"Artist" means DJ, Band, Singer or another live performance artist.

"Assistant" means a member of Matt Maurice's staff or crew technician

"Hire Period" means a period starting on the date that equipment is despatched to or collected by the hirer and ending on the date on which the equipment is returned to MME.

"Hirer" means the hirer, whether a company or individual, of equipment from MME.

"MM" means the company Matt Maurice Events. Matt Maurice Events is the trading name of MMEP Limited.

2. All descriptions and specifications, drawings and particulars of weights and dimensions issued by MM are approximate only. They are intended only to present a general idea of the goods they refer to and shall not form part of the contract.

3. MM reserves the right to supply equipment and production of a similar design to the equipment booked.

4. Artist Bookings: Unless booked on an Artist-only basis, your Artist is entirely self-contained with sound, lighting and music if that is what you booked. Unless additional power is requested The hirer should supply a minimum of two 13 amp 240-volt sockets on a minimum 16-amp supply at the working position and a clear solid level working space and ceiling height to accommodate all equipment booked.

5. It is the hirer's responsibility to ensure that the electrical supply is safe, adequately earthed and supplied at the correct voltage. Our staff and Artists will not connect to an electrical supply that they consider anything less than totally safe.

6. Should equipment be set up directly on or next to a dance floor, we have the right to position our equipment in an area we deem more suitable if we feel this unsafe.

7. MUSIC: If required, Artists will accommodate requests throughout the event wherever possible and in line with the event's music policy. Every effort is also made to accommodate advanced music request lists, although the playing of every track is not guaranteed.

8. DJ Bookings: Unless otherwise stated on the booking agreement, the standard DJ fee is for up to four hours before 00.00 / midnight from the time the performance/event is contracted to be ready to start. (i.e. 8 pm to 12 midnight). Additional hours will be charged; see definition 9.

9. If available, artists and crew may perform/work later than contracted if requested by the client only. In these circumstances, the client will be invoiced after the event. No cash should be paid to the artist or crew. Additional hours require verbal confirmation from the client on the evening of the event and/or text confirmation to 07799 790846. This confirmation confirms the additional fees charged and is legally binding.

10. Standard fees are based on Staff and Artists arriving immediately before playing / event start time. Where an early set-up is required, an additional fee may be made.

11. All prices quoted are plus VAT and as stated on your quotation.

12. MM under no circumstances operates an open book audit policy.

13. Should the hirer instruct that the equipment is to be installed early in the day and left on-site without wishing to pay MM staff being in attendance throughout the day, the safety and security of the equipment shall be at the hirer’s risk. The hirer must safeguard against theft, damage, third-party liability, and other risks whilst the equipment is in their charge. The hirer should contact their insurers to ensure that they have adequate cover, the minimum requirement being the replacement value of the equipment, which could be over £35,000.

14. Where an event finishes later than 1 am, the hirer should provide overnight accommodation in the form of a twin room, bed and breakfast for the DJ and assistant. This should ideally be on-site or close to the venue. If this is not possible, please notify our office at the time of booking.

15. Your booking is legally binding once accepted via our online system.

16. Deposits are due once digital confirmation is made via our online system to secure the date. Full payment is due one month before the event date.

17. The booking confirmation is sent when the hirer’s non-refundable deposit has cleared at our bank. Any changes to the agreement must be confirmed in writing by both sides. Cancellation of a confirmed booking may only be made in writing or by email from the hirer’s email address. Bookings cannot be cancelled by telephone.

18. In the event of a cancellation by the hirer, a cancellation fee will be made on the following basis, payment being due at the time of cancellation. More than 26 weeks’ notice, loss of deposit. With less than 26 weeks’ notice, the entire balance is payable. All cancellation fees and balances are payable upon notice of cancellation.

19. When a booking has been formally cancelled, and that cancellation accepted by both parties, the client forfeits any rights to use that Artist / Equipment on that date, irrespective of deposits or cancellation charge paid or due.

20. MM shall have the right to terminate a contract immediately by giving notice in writing if the hirer fails to make payment of any sum by the contract or the hirer enters into liquidation, whether compulsory or voluntarily otherwise than for amalgamation or reconstruction without insolvency or shall compound or make any arrangement with its creditors or shall be the subject of any application for an administration order or shall be subject of any proposal under part 1 of the Insolvency Act 1986 for a composition in satisfaction of its debts.

21. DJs and live artists: Every effort is made to provide the artist of the hirer’s choice. Should unavoidable circumstances arise, as outlined in clause 29 below, MM reserves the right to substitute an alternative artist with similar experience and musical knowledge at any time up to and including the day of the event without prior notice.

22. All equipment used and practices adopted to conform to Health and Safety legislation and recommendations. All equipment is serviced and tested to PAT safety regulations.

23. The hirer has the right to control the sound level within the limitations of the equipment, subject to the venue’s allowed noise limitations.

24. All Artists and Technical Crew shall be deemed to be under the direction and control of the client and shall be regarded as the servant or agent of the hirer, who alone shall be responsible for any claims arising from placing or operating the equipment.

25. The hirer should provide the Artists and Technical Crew with secure changing facilities and reasonable refreshments at no charge. Where the Artist or Assistant must be at the venue for four hours or more, including setting up and strike times, a hot meal should be provided. Should no arrangements be made to feed the Artists and Assistants before the performance, an additional charge of £30.00 per Artist and/or Assistant will be invoiced after the event. For shorter periods of less than four hours, refreshment in soft drinks only needs to be provided whilst the Artists and assistants are working.

26. The hirer is responsible for safeguarding the equipment of MM and any equipment supplied by contractors to MM and is expected to reimburse for any losses, damages, breakages or injuries. These include liquid, permanent staining or cigarette burn marks to all electrical equipment, furniture and dance floors and any associate equipment hired in for the event.

27. In the unlikely event of any dissatisfaction or complaint, this must be notified to the MM office within 48 hours of the event by telephone message and the details of the complaint must be advised in writing within seven days.

28. Limit of Liability. In the unlikely circumstances of unsatisfactory or incomplete performance, the liability of MM shall not exceed the individual fee payable for the specific item charged for that event on that date.

29. Whilst every effort is made to ensure a smooth running of all events, MM cannot be held responsible or liable for circumstances and schedule changes beyond their control due to and including road traffic incidents and disruption, natural disasters, acts of terrorism, war, civil war, rebellion, revolution, global pandemic (see definition 41), public health emergencies, 3rd party software use and venue Wi-Fi connections.

30. MM shall not be liable for the following loss or damage, howsoever caused and even if foreseeable by or in contemplation of MM. Loss of profits, business, revenue, reputational damage, goodwill or anticipated savings, whether sustained by the hirer or any other person, or special, indirect or consequential loss other than direct physical damage to tangible property of the hirer or any other person, or any loss arising from any claim made against MMEM by any other person.

31. For long-term hire, charges run from the day of despatch until the day of return and are based on a period of one day, irrespective of whether the goods are in use unless otherwise stated in your booking contract.

32. Use of hire equipment. The Hirer shall ensure that the equipment is installed and used by competent and qualified personnel in a manner that complies with any applicable statute, regulation or order from time to time in force affecting the equipment, including but not limited to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and any statutory amendment or replacement of it.

33. The hirer shall not, without the prior written consent of MM, make any modification or alteration to the equipment or take the equipment outside mainland Great Britain.

34. The hirer shall allow MM to inspect the equipment upon request during MM's regular working hours

35. Ownership. The equipment shall at all times remain the property of MM, and the hirer shall have no rights to the equipment other than as a hirer. The hirer shall not do or permit or cause to be done any matter or thing whereby the rights of MM in respect of the equipment are or may be prejudicially affected.

36. Dance Floor Hire. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that the surface onto which the floor is to be laid is entirely level, clean, dry and if required, covered by the venue ready for installation. Upon delivery, if for any reason, the floor cannot be installed, full payment will still be due for the delivery, collection and hire of the dance floor.

37. Third-Party Equipment Use. If the hirer is supplying their own Artist, DJ or Band, the hirer is also responsible for any of the artist's actions or use of the equipment. If there is any damage to MM equipment as a result of any misuse, the hirer will be liable for all replacement and repair costs.

38. Furniture Hire. Please note that pen ink and dark denim wash dyes stain MM Furniture. Clients will be liable for re-upholstery costs due to marks incurred. The Client is wholly responsible for all furniture from delivery until it is collected. If the furniture is used or stored outdoors, the hirer is fully responsible for damage caused by the weather or any other associated hazard. Any breakage, loss or damage, however, caused will be charged to the Client at the total replacement cost.

39. Please note, unless confirmed otherwise in writing, should any of our onsite vehicles incur a parking ticket charge or any other fees due to the venue providing insufficient areas for loading/unloading, the cost will be passed on to you, the client. In this instance, we will provide a copy of the ticket(s) after the event.

40. Recording rights. MM will occasionally record audio, pictures and videos from our events for promotional use. Please let us know in writing before your event should you wish for us not to. We will adhere to all Non-Disclosure Agreements.

41. Pandemic and public health emergency. If your event is postponed due to government public health emergency restrictions banning live entertainment, music and/or events, all deposits and monies paid will be transferred to a new booking date. If your event is cancelled in full due to government public health emergency restrictions banning live entertainment, music and/or events, this will incur your loss of deposit only, and no further payments will be due.

42. Anti-Harassment We will not tolerate any abuse or threatening behaviour to any of our team or staff [or abuse of our Equipment]. If this occurs, We retain the right to terminate our services immediately. This applies equally to You, the Client, and the event guests. We may also terminate our services where our assistants or artists feel any Equipment belonging to Us is in danger or has been damaged due to the actions or unruly behaviour of event clients and/or their guests. Wherever possible and reasonable to do so, We will speak with You, the Client, first to resolve the matter before any termination is enacted. If we do terminate our services for any reason, the full cost of our services and the total cost of a hire of our Equipment will remain due, and We will not issue any refunds for any period that our service or hire of Equipment was not provided. Moreover, You, the Client, will be responsible for any damages caused to our Equipment, howsoever caused by guests or other attendees at the event.

43. Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS). Where a venue requires venue-specific RAMS documentation, a charge of £95 + VAT will be added to your booking for their creation.

44. For Equipment orders. Acceptance of your booking is confirmation of your order with the entire balance due before despatch.

45. As a valued client, we want to keep you informed about our latest updates, special offers, and exclusive events. By booking with us, you consent to being added to our mailing list. Rest assured, we respect your privacy and your information will be kept confidential. You will receive occasional emails from us, and you can unsubscribe at any time if you prefer not to receive further communication. We look forward to keeping you in the loop and offering you the best possible service.

46. Venue Access for Equipment Collection. The Client must ensure that the venue remains accessible during the scheduled equipment collection time as agreed upon in the contract. If our team is unable to access the venue due to closure or any other obstruction outside of our control, additional costs incurred, including but not limited to, technician fees, transportation, fuel, parking, congestion charges, and equipment rescheduling, will be the responsibility of the Client. Any failure to provide access may result in additional charges or delays in the return of equipment. The minimum fee for a return collection is £295 + VAT per van & technician.